I just miss babbling today so I decided to keep tapping the keyboard, read some blogs, and the next blog and the next and some more.
I think most of the blogs (most that I've encountered recently) belong to mothers talking about their family especially their little ones. How cute!:X
I know that if I will have my own one too I'm gonna blog about them everyday. I think blogging is a good way of keeping memories electronically.(I hope blogspot won't close down...errr)
Ok, so I'm no writer here(though I wanted to be one...ummm, what's the definition of a writer anyway?). I wanted to write stuff but I get blank and get lost and then lose interest somehow and then it's gone!
So I decided to keep reading some blogs and learn things too.
Like this mom who's been talking about her cute little angel, complete with photos and all that. One thing that caught my attention is that how close she is to her sister-in-laws. I have sister-in-laws, 3 of them but I just don't like the other one. Err, I'm thinking if "don't like" is the appropriate term but I guess I'll just say she's not my cup of tea. Just for some reasons I don't get along with her at all times.
Anyways, moving on...
I read Heather's blog (I don't know her personally, I just happen to read her blog after checking blogs after blogs after blogs). It's like remembering my high school days.
I'm trying to remember this quote that says something like "... we're in a hurry to grow up and longed to be children again..." I guess that holds true, to me and maybe to some as well.
I told you, this is just all about babbling.
Anyways I just wanted to keep tapping the keyboard...
I've been planning to go out and take some photos of different places here in Singapore but due to some "factors" I wasn't able to do so.
But tomorrow, I'm gonna do it. I should stop procrastinating.
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